❶ 郑州大学院士简介
❷ 英文介绍郑州大学
Zhengzhou University is the best one in Henan province, which was founded in 1956. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reorganization in 2000. The new Zhengzhou University includes four campuses. Its whole area is over 6000 mu. And the building area is 1650 thousand square meters. The library has a storage of 5300 thousand books. Various reaearch institutes are set up including 169 research centers.
A national “211 project” key university co-built by the Henan Provincial Government and the State Ministry of Ecation On July 10th, 2000, the new Zhengzhou University was founded through the merger of three universities: Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou University of Technology and Henan Medical University. It is a comprehensive university with 11 disciplines: science, technology, art, medicine, literature, history, philosophy, law, economics, management, agriculture and ecation, and the only one of the national “211 project” universities in Henan Province under the administration of both the Henan Provincial Government and the State Ministry of Ecation, P.R.C.
Zhengzhou University has an abundance of resources. The University now has four main campuses, namely, New Campus, South Campus, Technological Institute and Medical School, occupying an area of 1070 acres (6493 mu), of which the New Campus (located in New High-tech Zone) comprises 799 acres (4845 mu). Construction of the New Campus has a construction budget of 1.97 billion RMB and a total construction area of 1.651 million square meters.
Zhengzhou University has a grand running scope and rich faculty resources. At present, the enrolled number of full-time students is over 36,000, with 6,639 graate students and 342 international students. The University has a teaching and administrative staff of 5,861 of which 3056 are academic staffs of teaching and research, 15 are academicians with the Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering (among which 3 of them are full-time and 12 are part-time scholars), 529 professors, 1,019 associate professors, 221 Ph.D. tutors, and more than 1,500 Masters Degree tutors. Of the teachers, 960 have Ph.D. degrees that account for 31.4% of the total professional teachers. There are 15 national experts of distinguished contributions, 171 experts are winners of special government allowance, 81 excellent specialists of Henan province, 228 excellent provincial youth backbone teachers, 9 teachers chosen into National hundred ten-million talented people projects, 121 cultivated objects of the new century academic and technical guides.
The university has an established teaching system of quality and solid scientific research condition .The university consists of 43 schools and departments, 5 affiliated hospitals, offering 86 undergraate programs, 8 first-degree doctoral programs, 72 second-degree programs, ranging across 6 subjects, 17 first-degree disciplines; 34 first-degree graate programs, 218 second-degree graate programs covering 11 disciplines, 51 first-degree subjects, 7 post-doctoral research stations, “ The State Base for Teaching and Research in Fundamental Sciences”, “The State Research Base for Cultural Quality Ecation of College Students”, 2 national-level key disciplines , 6 key disciplines granted by the national “ 211 project” and 57 provincial key disciplines . There are a variety of 169 scientific organizations, with the State Center for Engineering Research, one State Popularizing Center for Technology Research, 2 key laboratory of the State Ministry of Ecation, one State Research Base for Clinical Practice of Medicine, 10 provincial key laboratories (Engineering Research Center), 7 higher institutions key discipline open laboratories of Henan Province, one animal experimental center of Henan Province, one key research base for the study of humanities and Social Sciences ( co-sponsored by the State Ministry of Ecation and Henan Provincial government ) and 9 higher institutions key research bases for the study of humanities and social sciences of Henan Province. The university is acknowledged for its strong capabilities of fundamental research and applied research as well as for its scientific innovation.
Zhengzhou University has a sound and developing infrastructure and the school condition is superior. The National Afforestation Committee has recognized it as one of the top 400 institutions in planting trees. The University Library contains about 4.2 million volumes, and 1.05 million volumes of electrical books. The university has its own publishing house, and issues 13 academic journals. Under the university, there are 3 cooperative schools: Shengda Economics Trade and Management College, SIAS International College and College of Physical Ecation.
Zhengzhou University has taken an active part in international academic exchange and cooperation. At present, it has established a sound exchange relationship with 84 universities from more than 30 countries and regions of the world, mainly from the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Japan, Russia, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Finland, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and districts.
The university focuses on the people, pays attention to the students’ quality in a comprehensive way and has trained a group of qualified graates for the society. In the areas of the party construction, ideology and political science, teaching, scientific research, medical care, management, students’ work and logistics service, the university has won above-provincial level honor titles many times.
Zhengzhou University’s development has received great care and support from the Central Government, State Department of Ecation, and the Henan provincial government and all the people in Henan Province. The national leaders Jia Qinglin, Li Changcun, Luo Gan, Li Lanqin, members of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the CPC Liu Yunshan, etc, have visited Zhengzhou University respectively. The leaders of the State Ministry of Ecation, Henan Provincial Communist Party Committee, and Henan Provincial Government frequently come to visit the university. Under the care and support of the leaders from the higher level, the university has achieved trans-normal development in the areas of intellectuals’ cultivation, academic disciplines, faculty, new campus, teaching scientific research, etc.
Zhengzhou University insists on scientific and fast development, and centers on the construction of academic disciplines and new campus, optimizes the university’s structure, develops special features, strengthens the innovation system, and enlarges the policy of openness. It is located in central China where it faces the nation and prepares for the world. The university is adapting to the economic and social conditions of the country and the region as well. The university follows the world’s scientific technology and cultural development and fully promotes the university’s modernization and internationalization and aims to establish a first-class comprehensive university in China, being internationally well known as well, and demonstrating a strong function in the region.
❸ 郑州大学怎么样
❹ 郑州大学吧的简介
❺ 详细介绍郑州大学现代远程教育
你好这个问题我来回答 郑州大学现代远程教育简介现代远程教育简介郑州大学远程教育学院成立于2001年6月,2002年2月,经教育部批准,郑州大学成为国家开展现代远程教育的67所试点高校之一,业务上直属教育部高教司的领导,也是河南省惟一的试点学校,面向全国开展现代远程高等学历教育和非学历培训。 2002年7月开始招生。截至2005年9月,通过自主招生方式,招收本、专科层次的学历教育学生7000余人。
现代远程教育,是伴随着现代信息技术发展而产生的一种新型教育方式,是实现高等教育大众化的一种有效途径和满足社会终身教育需求的重要方式之一。中国的现代远程教育,自本世纪初开始,发展迅猛,仅五年多时间,现代远程高等教育在校生突破100万人,占据中国高等教育八分之一。日渐兴起的现代远程教育提供了传统教育无法比拟的优势,她打破了时空的局限,使有限的教育资源得以最充分的利用,并以虚拟校区的形式为广大求学者提供交流的便捷。 郑州大学现代远程教育,依托学校的学科优势和师资力量,遵循“大胆探索、稳中求进”的办学指导方针。始终坚持以学习者为中心的办学理念,以提供全面、及时和个性化的教育服务为宗旨,几年来先后在全国设立校外学习中心20余个。在教学与管理上,运用先进的信息技术,聘请精干的教师、技术人员和管理人员,充分发挥名校、名师、名课件的优势。
我们坚持“以人为本”的现代教育理念,关注每一个求知求学的人,以培养“有知识、会做人、善做事的现代人和创业者”为目标,依托网络,努力创造一种既能满足新世纪社会发展需要,又能帮助学习者全面发展的新型教育模式。 (二)教学模式
学院采用基于互联网络为主的教学模式。学生利用学院自行开发的网络学习与教学管理平台,点播郑州大学名师制作的多媒体教学课件,获取网上教学资源,并通过网上实时辅导、实时讨论、在线测试、网上作业和集中结业考试,享用高质量的个性化教学服务,来完成自己的学业。 网上教师辅导 学生自主互动学习 学习中心面授辅导
课程论坛、课程作业相关案例 、例题分析毕业实践(论文、设计) 模拟考试完成在线测试
郑州大学现代远程教育,以优秀的教育资源和师资力量、标准化的管理和服务体系、不断升级和完善的网络教学平台与课件、个性化的学习支持系统,为每一位立志求学的人提供优质的教育服务,把过去只有少数人才能“享有”的高等教育奉献给每一个有志者。 (三)开设专业
❻ 郑州大学南校区的介绍
❼ 郑州大学研究生院的介绍
郑州大学研究生院成立于2004年。郑州大学研究生教育历史可追溯到1978年,1981年成为全国首批博士、硕士学位授予单位。近几年来,学位与研究生教育取得了很大的成绩,进入了郑州大学历史上最好的发展时期也是河南省的一所巅峰性高校 ,2004年7月2日经河南省人民政府批准试办研究生院。
❽ 郑州大学简介
郑州大学是河南省惟一的一所国家“211工程”重点建设高校,是国家教育振兴行动计划在河南省惟一重点支持的高校,是国家教育部、财政部和河南省人民政府共同重点建设的综合性大学,是国家教育部和河南省人民政府共建的地方性高校.郑州大学校本部包括新校区、南校区、工学院、医学院4个校区,总占地面积 6493亩,其中坐落在郑州高新技术开发区的新校区占地面积4845亩,计划建设总投资19.7亿元,总规划建筑面积165万平方米。学校是首批联通中国教育和科研计算机网的百所大学之一,是全国绿化委员会授予的“造林绿化400家单位”。图书馆藏书530万册。拥有1个出版社,公开出版发行学术期刊13 种。校本部现有全日制普通本科生29423人,研究生6639人,外国留学生342人,成人教育学生17723人。另外,学校合作兴办有郑州大学体育学院、升达经贸管理学院、西亚斯国际工商管理学院3所二级学院。校本部现有在岗教职员工5861人,其中,专任教师3056人。在专任教师中,有专职院士3 人,双聘院士13人,教授529人,副教授1019人,博士生导师221人,硕士生导师1573人。国家有突出贡献专家15人,享受政府特殊津贴的专家 171人,河南省优秀专家81人,河南省优秀中青年骨干教师228人,教育部高等学校教学指导委员会委员26人,国家级教学名师2人,河南省教学名师7 人。教师师资队伍中具有博士学位的960人。现有理学、工学、医学、文学、历史学、哲学、法学、经学、管理学、教育学、农学等十一大学科,现有43个院(系),5个附属医院,86个本科专业,34个一级学科硕士点,218个二级学科硕士点,8个一级学科博士点,72个二级学科博士点,1个专业博士授权点,7个专业硕士学位点,7个博士后科研流动站,1个国家理科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地,1个国家大学生文化素质教育基地。2个国家级重点学科,6 个“211工程”二期重点学科建设项目,57个省级重点学科。现有各级、各类科研机构169个,其中有1个国家橡塑模具计算机辅助工程研究中心,1个国家钙镁磷复合肥技术研究推广中心,2个教育部重点实验室,1个国家药品临床研究基地,10个省级重点实验室(工程中心),7个省高校重点学科开放实验室,1 个河南省实验动物中心,1个省部共建人文社科重点研究基地,1个省重点社会科学研究基地,9个省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地。具有较强的基础研究、应用研究和科技开发能力。郑州大学积极开展对外交流,目前,与美国、英国、法国、日本、俄罗斯、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国、哈萨克斯坦、白俄罗斯、芬兰、乌克兰等国家和香港、台湾等地区的84所知名高校建立了校际合作关系。学校以人为本,注重学生素质全面发展,为社会培养了一大批合格的人才,在党建和思想政治工作、教学、科研、医疗、管理、学生工作和后勤服务等方面多次获得过省级以上的荣誉称号。
❾ 郑州大学介绍
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❿ 郑大商学院的介绍